Curly hair tends to be dry and often shows a need of care. Curls do not tightly embrace the scalp like straight hair and therefore they have limited contact with the conditioning sebum on the scalp. The natural looping of the hair also results in a less even dandruff layer. As a consequence, curly hair is hypersensitive to damaging influences. These are all reasons to treat your curly hair with loving care while it is wet. Wrap a towel around your hair and softly press it to remove the water after washing. Never roughly towel your hair dry. A comb with widely set teeth works best to detangle your curls. Brushing your curls separates the hair strands too much and makes your hair look shaggy and big.
Air-Drying Makes Curly Tops Even More Beautiful
As far as hair care is concerned, curls love rich nourishment. There is practically no way to over-condition curly hair. Shampoos and rinses with natural lipids like Shea butter, Jojoba oil or Macadamia oil coat every individual hair with a shimmering protective film. This ensures that your curls maintain their structure. Your styling products should also be especially designed for curly hair. These styling aids give your hair hold and leave your curls springy without drying your hair out or gumming it up.