Styled by Lynne is now at Salon Lofts (Loft 19): 5481 Wisconsin Avenue, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Appointments: (202) 369-9915
“Here’s the finished look! Thanks to my friend an fab stylist, Lynne @salonlynne! I love my new hi-lights!!” – Shawn Yancy via Instagram So… I’m doing something new! Thought I’d share it w/ you! Can’t wait to see the finished look! Thanks @SalonLynne pic.twitter.com/XcCX4Vbq0S — Shawn Yancy (@ShawnYancy) October 22, 2013…Read more
Salon Lynne is seeking high fashion models and photographers to collaborate with on upcoming editorial photo shoots. Please email your information with a portfolio link or work samples to styledbylynne@gmail.com.
Oversized Bun for Shaun Robinson (weekend anchor and correspondent for Access Hollywood) attending the Congressional Black Caucus National Minority Quality Forum 12th Annual Award Dinner Lynne also styled Shaun’s hair for the Essence Evening of Excellence in 2012.
Styled by Lynne is reaching out to those in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area and beyond by providing SKYPE Consultations & SKYPE Tutorials. SKYPE CONSULTATIONS | $25 (15 minutes) One-on-One Consultations in the comfort of your home. We can discuss anything from hair condition breakage, hair loss and a plan-of-action…Read more